It is not enough to have a mind, you must use it well. - René Descartes



Through our eyes the universe is perceiving itself. - Alan Watts


[slide-left]If the structures of the human mind remain unchanged ...[/slide-left]


[slide-right]...we will always end up re-creating the same world, the same evils, the same dysfunction." - Eckhart Tolle[/slide-right]


[fade]A Mind cannot be independent of culture. - Lev Vygotsky[/fade]


[fade]The ability to perceive or think differently is more important than the knowledge gained. - David Bohm[/fade]


[slide-left]The need to be right is the sign of a vulgar mind. - Albert Camus[/slide-left]


[slide-right]Skepticism is the mark of an educated mind. - John Dewey[/slide-right]

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[fade]Nothing is sacred but the integrity of your own mind. - Emerson[/fade]



 [slide-left]It takes a very unusual mind to undertake analysis of the obvious. - Alfred North Whitehead[/slide-left]


[fade]If you understand the Mind everything else follows. - Bodhidharma[/fade]


We are called to be architects of the future, not its victims. - Buckminster Fuller


[fade]The human mind is our fundamental resource. - John F. Kennedy[/fade]


[fade]Bridging the gap between the perennial wisdom of the ancient sages and the contemporary insights of science and psychology...[/fade]



[fade]Our foundational assumptions:

  • Almost everything that passes for Thinking is not; it is self-deception


  • Genuine Thinking is effortful, self-reflective, skeptical and needful of solitude


  • Mind exists as a collaborative synthesis between Self-Other-World


  • Thinking is a full-body utilization involving emotion, will, memory and imagination


  • Full-mind utilization leads to individuation and evolution towards Homo Sapiens 3.0…. the Mental Decathlete[/fade]